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Yes Sir, Sorry Sir Saturday, April 30, 2011 @ 2:52 PM EP 10! Miss Koo having dinner at Miss Ho's house. Law Sir caught some pickpocket 小混混 and they came back for revenge. Law Sir 帮 Miss Koo 档次下一劫. 之后 在 警局 遇到 Cheng Sir. Law Sir's cousin 阿祖 跟踪 Lo Sir 跑来见 将洪. 之后 说服 将洪 做他生意,进一批有 flaws 的 电脑搞到学校停电. Law Sir 一家很生气! (我也很生气!世上怎么会有那么厚脸皮的人啊!) Savio Tsang 出现了! (Miss Koo sister's Husband! A triad leader) Miss Koo don't look so happy to see him. Labels: Drama, Hongkong, Linda Chung, Moses Chan, Ron Ng, Tavia Yeung, TVB, Yes Sir Sorry Sir Yes Sir, Sorry Sir Friday, April 29, 2011 @ 3:31 AM EP 9! 莫泽基's mum heart attack in hospital and 莫泽基 learnt his mistake. Miss Ho talking to Cheng Sir about the punishment of 莫泽基. He finally appears! (always as the bad guy though! he has the looks) Jiang Hong arguing with Cheng Sir. Next Ep preview: Labels: Drama, Hongkong, Linda Chung, Moses Chan, Ron Ng, Tavia Yeung, TVB, Yes Sir Sorry Sir Yes Sir, Sorry Sir Thursday, April 28, 2011 @ 1:14 AM EP8! Linda Chung as Miss Koo (Really 酷!) Linda Chung's really pretty ~ 超讲究的. 说10:30就是10:30见. Miss Ho and Lo Sir sitting waiting and staring at the clock. First Bowling lesson. Lo Sir mingling with other triad leaders. Labels: Drama, Hongkong, Linda Chung, Moses Chan, Ron Ng, Tavia Yeung, TVB, Yes Sir Sorry Sir The Watchdog Tale 《老友狗狗》 Wednesday, April 27, 2011 @ 10:15 PM 其实很早就看完了. 但想说既然都 post 了这么多关于对 Drama 的看法,不差多加几个. 觉得这 drama 没什么特别 但 它教大家人与动物的关系像 人与人之间. 动物和人一样有感情,必须多 ‘沟通’ 才可以多了解对方的需要. 但在剧里好笑的片段还蛮多: 好像 Kent Cheng and Maggie Siu 之间的感情戏. Kent Cheng 喜欢讲:“救命啊!” Maggie Siu 就喜欢讲:“神经啊!” Raymond Wong 也是. 看到自己喜欢的女孩就会流汗. 到结婚那天也没改掉!哈哈. 然后 Steven Ma and Linda Chung 就没什么特别突出的地方, 因为 Steven Ma 的角色 本身就很滑稽. 最好笑就是 他们两个困在山洞里,之前闹翻 但从洞里出来时 两个人身上多了许多‘草莓’! Labels: Drama, Hongkong, Kent Cheng, Linda Chung, Maggie Siu, Raymond Wong, Steven Ma, TVB The Academy 《学警雄心》 @ 9:53 PM 刚看完,大结局时 哭惨了!! 李Sir 的死 真的很难过. 看着看着 让我想起中学时期. 因为和同学度过了4年!虽然在中二时有分班 但大部分的同学都一起度过了4年! 我们从Old Block 搬 到New Block. 从不认识 到了解. 感触很多. 现在大家都各奔东西,读Poly 的 今年毕业, 可以出社会工作了. 读JC 的,现在也就读不同大学. 虽然这样但我们还是会花点时间把大家约出来见面聊天吃饭. 还算不错:) 未来事,没人知. 只靠自己去努力争取. Labels: Drama, Hongkong, Ron Ng, Sammul Chan, The Academy, TVB Why is there Thunder and Lightning? @ 7:06 PM 5:20PM, it started raining and I just heard a very loud and long thunder! http://www.whyzz.com/why-is-there-thunder-and-lightning "The truth behind thunder and lightning are some special things happening inside a certain type of cloud (cumulonimbus). Within the cloud are tiny, frozen units of water shuffling around and colliding with each other. All of this activity creates a type of natural energy and electricity that is released from the cloud as a big bolt of lightning! The Mysteries of Love @ 12:32 PM listening to the theme song 直到你不找我 by Raymond Lam. remembered how it is an unforgettable show, I think. 令我印象很深刻的港剧. 可能也是因为刚看完大概几个星期 :D 剧里, Raymond Lam 饰演 University Professor who have no experience in love until he met Tavia Yeung, a police with lots of passion. But even so, he explains their love as a scientific phenomenon and after complications (parents' objections) they broke up. Even though it's quite obvious Ray still feel for Tavia, he dare not oppose his parents and chose to escape from the problem. Tavia Yeung was devastated. Soon after, Raymond Lam and his family got caught up in a series of threatening events and Tavia saved Raymond's mother but Ray faces a life and death situation where Tavia encourages him by his sickbed. Through this event, Ray realised he cannot lose Tavia but Tavia could not bring herself to accept him back, not wanting to go through the painful experience again. She escapes to Australia and Ray follow suit only to realise that he have really hurt her too deeply that Tavia even tried to commit suicide. Soon after, he won the grandest award a scientist could wish to achieve and made a confession of how he still cannot forget Tavia, so you can imagine what the ending will be like :) Labels: Drama, Hongkong, Kenneth Ma, Raymond Lam, Tavia Yeung, TVB Yes Sir, Sorry Sir @ 11:00 AM finished watching EP7! 觉得 陈豪 杨怡 瘦了! 吴卓曦 终于有一些作为了! here are some screen caps: 现在显示 罗Sir 对 Miss Ho 有意思. 也表示 罗Sir 和 程Sir 之间会有好戏看了 :P 中女 出事,程Sir 来帮忙! 程Sir 和 罗Sir 玩跟踪. Confrontation! 原来 程Sir and 将洪 有仇 或真的是误会. Next EP Preview: Linda Chung 会出现!! 终于所有关键人物 (主角) 都出现了. 相信戏会越来越精彩! The show seems to be getting more exciting from this point forth! Labels: Drama, Hongkong, Linda Chung, Moses Chan, Ron Ng, Tavia Yeung, TVB, Yes Sir Sorry Sir @ 4:03 AM 今天啊, 没读到书记还看了一整天的戏!:( 要死啦! 明天乘胜追击! 要补回来!!!!! Tuesday, April 26, 2011 @ 1:00 PM as I woke up today, the good feeling continues from yesterday :) 昨天的快乐,今天继续! English or Chinese @ 1:23 AM heehee ^^ actually I was thinking if I should post in Chinese or English but since some things can be conveyed better in Chinese, Chinese would be good. Also a good chance to practice Chinese since it's been very long since I wrote a 华文字 XP 《点解阿Sir, 系阿Sir》 Yes Sir,Sorry Sir @ 1:04 AM 看完EP6 了! 觉得好快就看完了. 吴卓曦 在这集的开头出现了5分钟 但相信他在接下来的几集会常出现了! 根据预告片 吴卓曦 在下一集会正式被介绍进学校 所以会有更多他的戏:) 其实看 吴卓曦 演的戏好像多数都是演警队警察的角色. 但觉得这些角色很适合他,喜欢. 期待下一集(明天)! Labels: Drama, Hongkong, Linda Chung, Moses Chan, Ron Ng, Tavia Yeung, TVB, Yes Sir Sorry Sir @ 12:16 AM 正在看 《Yes Sir, Sorry Sir》 EP6! 回头再 update! 今天开心到爆! Monday, April 25, 2011 @ 10:23 PM 今天读了一整个下午的书! 从 12:30 到 5:30~ 超有成就感! 原来读书可以很开心, 因为和朋友一起努力还有知道自己做了一些有用的事! 和朋友一起度过了一天,吃午餐到读完书再一起吃晚餐. 回家的途中还遇到了一位需要帮忙的阿姨, 我帮了她 很开心 如果你们看到我会觉得我有问题因为我现在一直在笑着 :D 还有今天期待 EP6 的《Yes Sir, Sorry Sir》 :) Sunday, April 24, 2011 @ 11:30 PM 明天就要开始真正的读书了! 因为再过几天就要考试了. 5月4日是考试第一天! 明天朋友也会上家里读书, 要努力! 看完 《学警狙击》 的感想 @ 10:04 PM wah 终于看完 《学警狙击》 了! 太感动了! 阿文 终于做回警察还和好兄弟 柏翘 一起做事. 但始终没和 悠悠 在一起,虽然 阿文 说会一直等她. 这样算是个好结果吧 :) 还有啊, 看完之后真的觉得人可以有很多面. 是否不应该一致认定一个人就是这样,其实这个人也可以很好? 只是在不同的情况下会做不同的事. 还有人与人之间的信任. 江世孝 因为疑心而不相信 悠悠 想帮他,结果被抓了. 也因为疑心,错杀了自己心爱的女人. 虽然现实生活没有黑社会那么复杂,但有时候选择朋友也会面对这样的困难. 一个不小心会因为一些是非造成很大的伤害. 还有,非常喜欢 吴卓曦!觉得他在这场戏演得不错! 不知是这角色适合他还是他很会演!总之很好! Labels: Drama, E.U, Hongkong, Ron Ng, Sammul Chan, TVB Saturday, April 23, 2011 @ 11:40 PM 对了,现在也正在看《点解阿Sir,系阿Sir》. 陈豪,杨怡,吴卓曦 and Linda Chung 饰演. 昨天播出的第五集EP5 终于看到 吴卓曦 的出现! (在EP5 的最后几分钟) 期待第六集! @ 11:05 PM 最近迷上了港剧 -在看《学警狙击》. 吴卓曦 演出的. 看了之后有非常大的感触. 这部剧是说 吴卓曦 的角色是一名卧底警察. 他为了抓贼放弃了友情,俳悬在黑与白之间. 但至少他知道自己还是个好警察,没迷失自己. 这样好像现实生活,有时候我们会质疑自己做的任何决定到底对不对. 但我觉得大家都不知道未来事,在当下认为是最好的决定就应该不会有错吧. 要相信. Labels: Drama, E.U, Hongkong, Ron Ng, Sammul Chan, TVB |